praying mantis

Happy Halloween!

I am afraid of bugs. Like, really afraid of bugs. Therefore, firing off just a few shots of Mr. Mantis, [who decided to park himself outside our bedroom window for several days] was more scary than exciting. This little guy might be beautiful in his own freakish way but honestly, this is the stuff that nightmares are made of, hence the star of a quick Halloween post.

{Seriously, you should have seen his head slowly swivel in my direction every time I moved.]

"Hi. I'm Manits. What's up."

"Hi. I'm Manits. What's up."

"Your macro lens won't work very well while you are shaking in fear, Allison."

"Your macro lens won't work very well while you are shaking in fear, Allison."

Wishing everyone a fun and safe Halloween from myself and Mr. Mantis! 

Update: Mantis has left this earthly plane. RIP Mantis. Please don't haunt my nightmares, ok thanks! No - I did not take his life, as much as I hate bugs, I would never kill Mantis.